Stand For Public Office #AskHerToStand

51% of the population are women but there are not enough women in positions of influence. Women and men are absolutely equal but women’s experiences are often different. It is vital that Parliament and those in public office represent the widest range of experiences in order to reflect the world we live in today. For more information about getting involved, please contact

Consider the ‘Ask Her to Stand’ initiative as your chance to use your skills and experience to play a key role in shaping our country and get involved! Join the CWO Today and let us know when you sign up which elected role you are interested in, or simply contact one of our regional team to find out what the CWO is doing in your area.

CWO offers support, networking and skills development through our CWO Development courses, our CWO Regional teams, in Associations and with our individual mentors.

In 2015 55% of the new female MPs had attended our CWO development courses. Of those who used CWO Development to aim for public office, over 95% passed their PAB.  They are recommended by the and by Women2Win and by many MPs. Click here to find out more.

Studies have shown that women often wait to be asked, while men put themselves forward

Women often wait until they are 110% ready, while men go forward at 60%

Women exclude themselves while men include themselves.

Mims Davies, MP

“As a local councillor I found myself increasingly interested in politics and national government. But it was becoming CWO Southern Region Chairman ..which ultimately made me recognise my value as a Conservative Candidate”


Ask Her To Stand

#AskHerToStand is for all political groups and followed by:

  • Conservative Womens Organisation
  • Women2Win
  • The Conservative Party
  • Fawcett Society
  • 50:50 Parliament
  • The Parliament Project and many many more.

SO Ask a Woman to Stand, and be part of the #Askhertostand campaign.

Katy Bourne, Police Crime Commissioner

“the CWO is a fantastic organisation to whom I turn to again and again for policy discussions, canvassing and getting me selected as the candidate!”

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