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Fighting the Libdems? 20211104

Thu 04 Nov 2021

Price (£):

Hayward Burt


Louise Brice

Nov 4th 7-8.30 on zoom: CWO Southern are hosting “Fighting the Lib Dems – Policies that win”: A masterclass with Hayward Burt, who is head of the Liberal Democrat Unit at CCHQ.

All CWO and CYW members are welcome. This session will focus on the policies that cut through against the Liberals. Joining Hayward is Aphra Brandreth, who stood against Liberal Democrat Leader, Ed Davey in the 2019 General Election. The session will be facilitated by Louise Brice, a Cllr from Maidstone, Kent where Conservatives re-took control of a Liberal led coalition at the last election. This session is open to all CWO and CYW members

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