CWO Summer Party 2024

Our traditional Summer Party was a wonderful chance to reconnect and catch-up after the GE. We were delighted to be joined by so many of the leadership candidates, who gave their time generously to speak to the many members who were able to join us. As always, we are grateful to our Chairman Pamela Hall OBE for organising, Felicity Roochove, Women’s Engagement Officer for her help with our venue and our wonderful events and fundraising team led by Cllr. Seema Kumar.

Our Executive team travelled from far and wide to support with logistics too, it was truly special to see friends from Manchester and Yorkshire, Wiltshire and Essex. Thank you to all of our members who make our organisation such a special part of our Party.

Our contributions to the GE were recognised by our Party Chairman, Richard Fuller MP too. Next stop .. Party Conference! Do book your tickets to our welcome event on Sunday afternoon! Our Summer Party sold out quickly so get booking!

CWO Summer Party – September 2024
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CWO Summer Party 2024

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