18 - 30

CWO Development: Begin Your Career Plan 09-Nov-20

Mon 09 Nov 2020

Price (£):

Merrill Powell (Director of CWO Development)
Sheela Mackintosh-Stewart
Margaret Stephens


Rushi Millns

PAID ONLINE DEVELOPMENT EVENT: Monday 9th November 2020 7pm-8.15pm

This session will focus on how to make a plan for where you want to get to on your political journey. You will cover understanding your motivation and being honest about what you want or need. You will look at understanding your current position, setting out your options and being specific about targets and timelines in order to make a plan of what you need to do and ask others to help you achieve this. You will also learn to prepare your speech.

These will be interactive sessions, where you will be encouraged to practise and participate in short activities.

CWO Development supports your skills in your workplace, volunteer roles in the Party or into public life, from school governor to the green benches.

You must be a member of the Conservative Party to book a CWO Development event. Conservative Party membership will be verified prior attendance.

PLEASE NOTE: Please ensure you are a member of the Conservative Party prior to booking as any training fees cannot be refunded.

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