96 - 100

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Tue 24 May 2022

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Natalie Elpichke MP - Invited
Fleur Butler - VP of the National Convention
Felicity Rocchove - Head of Women Engagment CCHQ - Invited


Neeti Gupta - CWO National Deputy Chairman

CWO Development – Free Online Session on Zoom

Tuesday 24th of May. 6:00pm-7.30pm

CWO would like to invite all those who stood as candidates on May 5th.  Congratulations to those who won, but for all of you what other elected roles might be available in the Party.

With AGMs coming up the Party has a host of roles at local Association Level, Area Level, Regional Level and all the way up to the Party Board. So if you like campaigning, want to help the Conservatives keep winning, and want to gain more experience, then come and join us on Tuesday 24th and find out more about Deputy Chairman roles, Association Chairman roles, getting on to selection committees for the up coming MP candidate selections and much more.

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